winner vs loser



The winner is always part of the answer;

The loser is always part of the problem.

The winner says,”let me do it for you.”;

The loser says,”that’s not my job.”


The winner sees an answer for every problem;

The loser sees a prolem in every answer.

The winner goes through a problem;

The loser goes around a problem and never gets to it.


The winner says,”it may be difficult,but it’s possible”;

The loser says,”it may be possible,but it’s too difficult.”

The winner thinks,”i’m good,but not as good as i should or could be.”;

The loser thinks,”i’m not as bad as some of the others.”


The winner makes commitment;

The loser makes promises.

the winner focuses the gain;

The loser focuses the pain.


The winner is like a thermostat;

The loser is like a thermosmeter.

the winner make it happen;

The loser let it happen.


Quiters never win; Winners never quit.

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